2014年2月14日 星期五

Daily Phrase notes

If something dawns on you, you realise it for the first time.
It dawned on me that I hadn't been sick for two years.
It was several hours before the truth finally dawned on Michael: he was in the wrong city

The crack of dawn is a phrase which means very early in the morning, when the sky just starts to change colour.
We have to leave tomorrow at the crack of dawn. Try to get some sleep.

Under the table is a phrase used to describe secretive behaviour - often suggesting corruption or illegality.
If you want to open a business in a country where there is a lot of corruption, you may have to make under the table payments to officials.
Tony was a terrible driver. He kept failing his driving test - and eventually he got his driving licence under the table.

To drink someone under the table means to drink more alcohol than somebody else without becoming as drunk as they do.
Johnny was a heavy drinker. He could drink anyone under the table.

shades of grey. It is also used when it is not clear what is right or wrong.
Many children's stories say the world is full of black and white choices. In reality there are many shades of grey.

Good friends are always there to pick you up when you're down.

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