2014年5月26日 星期一

Despicable me

Always stuck myself in this sort of dilemma.

whether I should go or not. Despite the fact that money is always the biggest problem, the thing indeed perplex me as usual is my indecisiveness and laziness. I kept thinking about why I always regret the thing I didn't do because of hesitation and bad judgment.  Though, to be honest, I do know that I didn't work hard enough compared with others.

Maybe I am one of those spoiled children, who go to expensive school without any scholarship but simply for the fame, I used to teased at in Taiwan. Although I knew this is not what I suppose at the very beginning, it seemingly ends up that way to others. I feel a bit sorry for my beloved family.

I do have plans and ambitions but in a very roughly,  unthoughtful way and can easily be transferred at any moment. I hate it but I didn't try to change it. I wish I could have grown up a bit in many different respects. In fact, I am still that kid with lots of daydreaming bubbles around while never make further efforts to realize the dreams. they remain as fantasy at last.

Now, again, its the time to make another life decision.

What I crave for is the best, the strongest resolution.
No more needy, no more co-dependent. Please.

2 則留言:

  1. I might understand how you feel. I'm also very confused about how to arrange my career.
    But just be positive. Keeping faith that you will find your own way.
    Don't worry too much. Don't look back with regret.
    That 's what I told myself.

  2. thank you dear
    just a bit worried about how much my parents have been invested in my study life so far. Im not confident that I could have a successful career afterward. Anyway, I have to try to figure it out.I will always make an effort to keep the faith :)
