2015年6月21日 星期日


I miss London
I miss my tiny little room in High Holborn
I miss spotting celebrities randomly on my way to library
I miss the cocktail club bar at the corner
I miss the 5-minute walk to Covent Garden and 15-minute walk to Oxford Street
I miss the not-too-sweet French Pastry store in Soho district
I miss the protests, the pillow fight and the Blue Chicken in trafalgar square
I miss watching the World Cup games with crazy crowds in different bars
I miss everything there.

2015年6月16日 星期二

LSE 和 USC 比一比

[Interesting facts: About Name 關於名字]

LSE  教授: "Dolly? No What is your real name?" 教授說不要給他取的英文名字,他要真的名字,然後過了幾堂課他真的記住了,還叫了我了(但也只有一個教授成功如此。)

USC教授: I know you foreign students all want to be called by your original name. But Im sorry we are american. we won't be able to remember it. we just can't. 教授很坦白的說美國人一定記不住外國名字,所以我跟他說叫我Dolly 他眉開眼笑(沒有特別跟他說可以叫我dolly的教授們,他們這輩子大概不會開口叫你名字。)

大家懂差別在哪嗎,我不會說對誰錯,但這些有趣的發現跟文化思想息息相關 暑假該記錄一下這些 FUN FACTS